Multi-Choice Weld-In-Place Design Ball Valves


Flo-Tite’s Multi-Choice 3pc series ball valves in socket and butt weld connections offer an important advantage of integral extended end caps with heat sink rings that have a series of radiator-type grooves cast into the outside diameter. This creates an increased surface area, allowing more heat to dissipate during welding while protecting the valve seat materials from rapid damaging heat transfer. This unique design allows Flo-Tite’s 3PC soft-seated valves to be welded to the piping system without disassembly and without special welding procedures.

Flo-Tite’s special end cap design is supported with Super-Tek III high temperature body seals and SuperTek TFM seats, which are provided standard in this high performance ball valve. Our unique design also minimizes potential installation errors, while providing a cost effective and safe installation for both manual and automated ball valves.


Body Material: 316 SSTCarbon Steel

Body Sizes: 1/2″3/4″1″, 1-1/2″2″2-1/2″3″4″

Seat: TFMPTFECavity Filled



End Connection Types: Threaded EndSocket WeldButt Weld150 lb. FlangedTri-Clamp Sanitary EndCam LockTube EndExtended Socket Weld End, Extended Butt Weld EndGrooved EndFlush Bottom Tank

Operator: Lever Locking, Oval Locking, Gear, Deadman, Actuator

For Pneumatic Actuators click here

For Electric Actuators click here

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