ARI Steam & Condensate Systems:
ARI has a wide range of proven systems for pressure reduction, heat exchangers, condensate recovery and return or steam-to-water heat transfer:
PREsys is our solution for safe pressure reduction and adjustment (with PREDU pressure reducing valves or STEVI control valves).
CORsys heat exchangers enables condensate recovery and return without backing up – and includes a digital display for the condensate temperature on the integral pump and level control.
ENCOsys allows steam-to-water heat transfer with no water hammer and with either steam or condensate-side control (using ARI-STEVI or ARI-TEMPTROL).
Additional Systems include:
- Pure Steam Generators
- Feedwater Tanks with Deaerator Dome
- Steam Trap Systems
- Separators
- Mixing Coolers, Sample Coolers, and more.
ENCOsys Heat Exchange Systems:
- Condensate-Side Control Energy Conditioning System
- Steam-Side Control Energy Conditioning System
Condensate-Side ARI ENCOsys Systems: Cost effective steam-to-water heat exchanger system that are efficient and rugged. Designed to instantaneously provide hot water regardless of the load conditions without the need for water storage.
Steam-Side ARI ENCOsys Systems: Designed to provide precise heating for process systems that can utilize slower response times to load changes. The design is non-complex with a simple, user-friendly control scheme. Cost competitive compared to traditional systems that are controlled on the steam side.

CORsys – Condensate Recovery & Return Systems:
CORsys – E Series is a condensate return systems are rectangular (TAW profile design) or cylindrical (upright/lying). Rectangular tanks in compact design are welded directly to the pump plate on a steel or stainless steel base frame. The systems can be designed with a non-pressurized or pressurized container greater than0.5 bar(g) in accordance with the PED 2014/68/EU with CE marking.
CORsys – M Series are particularly suitable for use in potentially explosive areas that are subject to EX protection(ATEX zone). The condensate produced is collected in a cylindrical tank above the condensate pump before it flows into the mechanical condensate pump where it is subsequently conveyed back to the boiler house in combination with the motive medium (mainly steam, alternatively compressed air). The systems are completely pre-piped and mounted on a stainless steel base frame.

PREsyst – Pressure Reducing Systems:
Assembled as a complete unit, the PREsys Systems reduce an inlet pressure (primary pressure) to a constantly adjustable outlet pressure(secondary pressure) for various consumers. The pressure is reduced either by a self-acting regulator or by a control valve with pneumatic actuator and digital positioner. The pressure reduction systems are calculated and designed exactly according to the operating conditions. The materials, nominal diameters, system components and safety equipment are designed specifically for the customer in compliance with the harmonized regulations. A control cabinet with compact controller (ARI process controller) can also be part of the scope of delivery.

FLASHsys – Flash Steam Systems:
The FLASHsys Flash Steam System is used to maximize your steam system’s efficiency. Flash steam is typically wasted to atmosphere but this system allows you to capture of the hot condensate from high pressure sources before being routed to lower pressure systems.

Feedwater Tank with Deaerator Dome:
Boiler feed water is preheated and kept at set temperature in the feed water tank before it enters into the steam boiler(open feed water tank approx. 220°F / 3 psi). In addition, inert gases such as oxygen and CO2 are expelled from returning condensate to protect the steam boiler from corrosion. In the counter flow principle, the returning condensate is introduced at the highest point of the deaerator dome. The steam flowing in the opposite direction binds the inert gases and ejects them. The feed water is kept at set temperature in the feed water tank directly via a steam lance or via steam injectors. The steam supply for discharging the inert gases is realized by a an additional steam connection at the lowest point of the deaerator dome or on the top of the feedwater tank. Centrifugal pumps feed the thermally processed feed water to the steam boiler/evaporator.
- Safe degassing (CO2 and O2)
- Removable (flanged) deaerator dome
- High operational safety
- Plug & Play Design

Pure Steam Generators:
For sterilization and air humidification. Process steam, hot water or heat transfer oil is used as the primary medium (energy supply) to generate the pure steam from demineralized water. All components, fittings and field instruments on the “pure” side are made of austenitic stainless steel. The tanks comply with the PED2014/68/EU and are customized, designed and manufactured to meet local space requirements.
- Compact solution in horizontal design
- Durable system with maintenance-free valves
- High safety due to permanent conductivity monitoring
- Long service life due to welded tubes in the tube plate